
EM Live-Ticker

Infinity Media | 2021

Facts and Figures


Infinity Media


  • Development
  • Infrastructure
  • Consulting



The Project

The EM Ticker was designed as an add-on for the existing Infinity Media System and brings current scores of the European Football Championship 2020 to the people on the street in a digital live ticker. In addition to the European Football Championship 2020, the Liveticker System supports the display of various other sporting events and is fully configurable, from backgrounds and appearance to data source.

A digital billborad in Vienna's Kärtnerstraße displaying the current score of an EM2020 game.

Our Contribution

The project was announced on very short notice and had an unmovable deadline, giving us very little time for the implementation and even less space for mistakes. Hence, we started by inquisitively gathering requirements from the client and writing up a very detailed specification, to ensure that we wouldn't have to deal with any surprises along the way. We then conceptualize a very flexible widget system, which enables the to display arbitrary data in a secure manner. After that we proceeded to implement the EC Liveticker on top of the widget system. During the implementation of the EC Liveticker widget we managed communication and coordinated efforts with the 3rd party API vendor and assured that our integration was running smoothly.


  • TypeScript
  • Node.js
  • Vue.js
  • TypeOrm
  • PostgreSQL

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